Parish Network of Prayer Friends
“I call on the Lord in my distress and he answers me” Ps: 120
Prayer is at the heart of our relationship with God – the foundation of our faith. We are stronger as a parish when we are praying for the needs of each other. The mission of the network of prayer friends is simply that – to lift up those in need.
“They all continued praying together. Some women, including Mary the mother of Jesus, and Jesus’ brothers were also there with the apostles”. Acts 1:14
We have several parishioners who have answered the call to the prayer ministry of Intercessory Prayer. Each day they dedicate time to pray for the needs of people and our Parish community. This spirit-led group of people are ready and willing to pray for your urgent needs, the needs of your loved ones and for spreading the hope of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Your prayer requests are passed onto our volunteer prayer friends via email, telephone or text and by leaving prayer requests at the Parish Office.
“Prayer is essentially God’s work. Our part is to give time, do our best to keep attention, surrender ourselves as best we can. Then we can be sure that God works.” Ruth Burrows
Anyone can make a request to the Network of Prayer Friends. You can provide us with as much or as little detail of the circumstances requiring prayer. You can include names on the request or chose to remain anonymous. Confidentiality will always be respected. (It is important that, if named, the person who is being prayed for has given their permission for the information to be shared)
Sample of prayer request:
– Pray for John who is going for open heart surgery on 27th Feb.
– Pray for Jane to find employment, as she has been out of work for six months.
There is no set or formal way of praying. Each volunteer prayer friend uses their individual way of praying. Individuals may get up early and spent time with God, others say rosaries. Some may create their own prayers, while others may attend Mass and receive the Blessed Eucharist daily. Some may seek God in stillness or silence, others on the road or even late at night.
We believe prayer is so important to our everyday life. God is always listening to our prayers and we pray and thank God all the time.
Your prayer request will remain part of our prayers until you tell us otherwise. Please let us know of any blessings and graces received.
Please also send us any request for Prayers of Thanksgiving to God.